Hanoi versus Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) – which Vietnamese city is the best?

Vietnam, one of the most visited tourist spots in South East Asia, has an accolade of diverse and beautiful scenery, but its two major cities lying far north and far south define the long and narrow country. Before visiting Vietnam, I’d read that Hanoi, the capital in the North, and Ho Chi Minh City, formerly […]

Read More Hanoi versus Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) – which Vietnamese city is the best?

Lantern lined Hoi An: A little Vietnamese city that more than makes up for being once forgotten

The beautiful yellow walled, shabby-chic Ancient Town of untouched Hoi An now breathes tourism after a lost past. Hoi An is a well-preserved, prime example of an ancient, Asian trading port that saw all walks of life, and still does to this day. Herds of tourists navigate their way through the colourful chic lanes lined by […]

Read More Lantern lined Hoi An: A little Vietnamese city that more than makes up for being once forgotten

Cruising around Ha Long Bay

The postcard perfect picture of unique limestone karsts, but the whole picture isn’t always seen If you’re already heading to Vietnam’s capital of Hanoi, it’s worth taking a trip to see the beautiful Ha Long Bay – newly crowned as one of the New Seven Natural Wonders of the world. We treated ourselves to a […]

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